The funny thing was that after making the bet, I wasn't content with the short prayer and proceeded to our midweek service. A few minutes into the service, our pastor said, "You bought a lottery ticket and then prayed to God for Him to help you win... that is an image that doesn't suit a child of God..." I smiled and thought to myself, "there goes the 200 million", but I knew it was God's way of correcting me. I didn't need to win the jackpot prize in the lottery draw. I already have the best prize from betting my faith on the Lord Jesus.
God said that he will never leave us, he will protect us and provide for us AND if we continue to walk in His ways, He will surely prosper us. I don't need a lottery ticket. I just have to work hard and continue in His ways.
Oh well, it was nice daydreaming what to do with the 200 million but hey, I got a great God and He continues to bless and guide me everyday... I am a millionaire a million times over because I have the greatest treasure in my heart: an Almighty God who loves me no matter what.
HE is my best gamble.
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