Monday, December 22, 2008

SomeGreyBloke Asks "Why Does God Want to Send Me to Hell?" I Say, "He Doesn't..."

this is my answer to a v-log at Youtube that poses the question "If God loves me, why does He want to send me to hell?"... click on the link below to watch the video question and my short reply...


Sunday, December 14, 2008


Every year, the yuletide season has always been stressful for me. All the more this year when finances are tight and people have gotten used to receiving gifts from me, my business and my family.

I was praying to God on my way home last night and I was asking Him for advice on how to cope with the christmas rush. I was worried that people might think that I have turned into a Scrooge or that I wouldn't be able to please them with the gifts that I can afford this year.

When I got home as I was watching TCT, Dr. Charles Stanley of In Touch Ministries came on and gave short tips on how to cope with christmas anxiety. Praise God! A very quick answer to my prayer! Dr. Stanley first started with a reading of Philippians 4:6-7: " Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs and don't forget to thank Him for His answers. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful thatn the human mind can understand. His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ Jesus." (TLB)

He then gave these tips:

  1. Pray before adding anything to your calendar.
  2. Don't go into debt buying gifts.
  3. Don't feel obliged to buy everyone gifts.
  4. Keep your focus on what christmas is all about: JESUS CHRIST.

And then he ended up with a reminder that we cannot live up to everyone's expectations.

I guess it was God's way of telling me that it's alright to share whatever I can with what I got. Not to impress. And not grudgingly. But cheerfully.

Perhaps there isn't much to go around. But God is reminding me of the young boy in John 6:1-12 whose lunch pack was only good enough for him. If I entrust my lunch pack to Jesus, He can and will multiply what I have to satisfy everyone on my list.

God is so good!!! He hears our prayers and He answers them on time.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Sharing God's Light In Hard Times

Everyone goes through difficulties and trials. There are times when we feel we are pressed to our limits and we're about to explode. I've been there many times and true to God's word, such testing develops character. Now, while my life is not problem-free, I can declare through my faith in Christ that I am not without a God who loves me, who will light a path for me through all the darkness I am going through.

The beautiful thing about having God on your side is that you can hold on to His promises. God said He will never leave us. And He said that His Holy Spirit is in us. That alone gives us every reason to stand tall and not be gripped by the demons of fear and despair.

In today's hard times, a lot of people are going through their equivalence of hell on this earth. Jobs are lost, businesses fail. It's important that we, as christians, tell people about God's message of hope and life. Money is not all there is to life. Sure, life is made easier with it, but not having enough of it should not drive you to depression.

We have a God who is bigger than our problems. But He cannot help us if we are so far away from Him. When He calls or when you stumble, instead of running away from God, run to Him. Perhaps you might not feel His presence immediately, but that doesn't mean that He doesn't have His eye on you. If a small sparrow is that important to God, remind yourself that you are more important than a small sparrow. God loved you and I enough to send Jesus Christ once on this earth to die for our sins so we can always have a way back to God.

In these hard times, we should allow God's light to shine through our lives so that we can be an encouragement and a blessing to those suffering the same difficulties that you and I are going through. Share the message, share the gospel, let people know that even in want there is rest if they are in Jesus. Peace and joy in our hearts, no matter where we are in our lives, are in fact more important than money.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Delight Yourself in the Lord

When I was young, I looked up to my father as my role model, my hero, someone who was very wise and very brave and very strong. I remember immitating him and spending a lot of time with him. I remember we use to take long walks by the shore, we'd wrestle, he taught me how to fire a gun and self-defense, he brought me to the mechanic whenever he'd have his car fixed and when he was wit his buddies, I would be right there tagging along with him. In short, I enjoyed being with my father. I learned and loved what he loved to do and that made our bond all the more stronger. And because we were too much alike, whenever I'd ask something from my father, he would easily give it to me. When he bought something for himself, he'd buy one for me, too. It was easy for him to buy me stuff because I was so much like him. He knew what he liked and since I was so much like him, he knew what I liked and that was what I'd usually get for my birthday or christmas or those in between days when he was just feeling generous.

I guess that's what Psalms 37:4 mean. "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart."

When we love the Lord so much that we spend so much time reading His word, meditating on His word and applying those truths in our lives, we become a lot like Jesus. When God sees us, He sees the face of the Lord Jesus in us and because God the Father and Jesus are so much alike and we look so much like Jesus in the eyes of the Father, it becomes easy for Him to give us the desires of our heart because what we want is already in tune with what He wants.

Our desires, our passions should be in tune with God's. That way He can bless us as we continually fellowship with Him with pure love and delight.


This is one of my favorite stories... good for teaching young kids... click on this link or search for "you are special by max lucado - uploaded by counteirick" on Youtube.

Why Faith Makes A Difference

Before there ever was the DaVinci code, there was the Holy Grail. Books written by intelligent people who avers that Jesus had a family and that He wasn't God but just an ordinary man. Was Jesus really God in the flesh or was He just just a man?

The more important question to be resolved when people find themselves at this crossroad is whether they should believe this lie or stay true to the path Jesus had laid down for us.

Imagine this: if you believe that Jesus was just a man and then you die and you find out that He is God, you actually lose believing in the lie that was propagated by the DaVinci code and the Holy Grail.

But what if you keep to your faith and you die and find out that Jesus is God just like you've always believed? Then you actually win the crown of life that God has prepared for you.

That is why faith makes a difference. We can hold countless debates and arguments but the bottom line is, we'll find out for sure when we get to the other side.

So keep your faith no matter what many "intelligent" people tell you. They can't corrupt your faith unless you leave Christ's side. Stay by the Lord and be strong in Him. Our reward is not here in this life on this earth but in the everlasting.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Reading the Word: Which Version Is Best?

I was rummaging through a secondhand bookstore when I heard an older man carrying out a very heated discussion with a much younger man which version of the bible is best. As I listened to them, my thoughts wandered to the versions of the bible that I keep and which I read and compare in studying God's word.

I have the New International Version (NIV), the Amplified Bible, The New Living Translation (NLT), The Message (TM) and The Living Bibile (TLB). Most of the time, I read the TLB paraphrase or the NLT because it's easier to read.

I wonder why the heated discussion between the two? God's word is God's word. And I believe God provided us with so many different translations, versions and paraphrases so that He can relate to us in terms that we can understand His wonderful plan for our salvation. To me, it doesn't matter which version or translation or paraphrase you use or read for as long as it draws you near to God and makes you want to follow Him.

Besides, God Himself said that we shouldn't be tripping each other up. So in my opinion, the best version is the one that makes you want to keep on studying the Word of God. It is the version, translation or paraphrase that prompts you to live in the word.

Living in the Fullness of God's Love

A lot of people erroneously believe that once you become a christian, it's all smooth-sailing afterwards. The sky is blue, the world is at peace and you got it all made.

But sometimes, that isn't always the case. Although God wants us to live happy, secure lives, the sun doesn't always shine as bright and as warm as we want it to be. Even in the most faithful christian life, a little rain will surely fall and what you thought was a steady boat will be attacked by torrent winds, rain and waves.

Living in the fullness of God's love isn't always peaceful. And it's not always easy. But there's one thing that I have noticed from my own personal difficulties. Living in the fullness of God's love means being at peace in your relationship with Him, whether in joy or in sadness, in victory or defeat, in abundance or want. Living in the fullness of His love means no matter at what point you are in life, if and when He calls you home, you are ready. Because after all, we are all meant to answer to a single call in this life, and that is God's call for us to believe in Jesus, accept His sacrifice for our sins, repent of our sins and turn our backs on sin.

Living in the fullness of God's love means coming home to Him every waking minute of our eartlhly lives until we find ourselves face to face with Him.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Holding On To God's Promises While Waiting For Jesus To Calm The Storms In Your Life

I never thought that it would be possible for me to be in such a big mess. My life right now would be the living, breathing version of what the Psalmist described as "the darkest valley" in Psalm 23. Whichever way I turn, darkness engulfs me.

But I draw strength from the word of God. His promises are what keeps me from giving up. He promised that He will never leave me. He promised that I will never be tested beyond what I can bear. He commanded me not to fear. He has declared that He has made me as strong as a wild bull. He promised that He will give me all that I need if I live for Him and keep my faith in Him. He promised that He will avenge and vindicate me, giving me justice for all the times that I was oppressed. He promised that He is my protector and my deliverer. And He promised that one day, if I don't weary of doing good, He will reward me.

It will always be difficult to be joyful and hopeful when life seems bleak. But it is always during these times that we are suppose to keep our joy and to keep our faith. While our Lord sleeps amidst the storms of our lives, let us continue to praise God. Let us wake Him through our songs of praise instead of the jarring noise of our panic shouts for help.

Perhaps the Lord is just lying down with eyes closed, not really asleep, observing whether you'll remember His promises and trust that He'll keep them. Because after all, when we are in the deepest darkest valley, we tend to think that He doesn't see us, He doesn't hear us and that He has left us.

But the truth is, He just closed His eyes for a while to check your faith.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

When You're Tired of Everything... Let Go, Lean Back... God is There to Catch You and Carry You

I really feel like giving up on my life. Everything's a mess and the more I struggle, the more I feel like there's no hope. I have so many things on my mind. So many things that I wanna do. When I look around and see that it isn't working, I just wanna throw myself off a bridge.

It is then that God reminds me of a certain picture where Jesus is carrying a depressed man. I looked it up in my computer and I just cried. Despite everything, God is telling me, "It's alright to let go. You can lean back. I am here. I will catch you. I will carry you."

I am so tired of a lot of things. Tired of struggling. Tired of trying to fit in everyone's needs into my life. Trying to win everyone's affection and approval. I don't have to do these things anymore. I will just let go and lean back. Jesus is there, He will catch me for sure. And He will carry me through.

Surrender to God is such a sweet thing. My sins are forgiven. I, again, am made whole.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Count Your Blessings

What do you do when life sucks and you feel like your life is going nowhere? You count your blessings.

In Philippians 4:11, the apostle Paul spoke of being content or satisfied in whatever he had. He understood that he was a soldier of Christ, and as a soldier, hardships were normal for him. He had to endure and rest his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ even if he didn't understand. There simply was no other way.

Perhaps there doesn't seem to be a way out for you today. Life is hard. Life is difficult. Everybody seems to be better off than you are. Think of it this way: You are a child of God, and as God's child, you are open to Satan's attack. Satan wants you to lose your faith in God. The devil wants you in hell with him when the time comes.

So here's what you do: when you face difficulties and trials too hard for you to bear, remember who you are in Christ and start counting all the many times that Jesus bailed you out. Jesus might not have bailed you out immediately, but I am sure whatever hardship or difficulty you had in the past turned out to be a blessing in the long run. So think back and strengthen yourself in what the Lord has done for you in the past. And think ahead to the time when all of these things will make sense to you. I am one hundred percent certain that God will make you realize that through it all, He had His eye on you and that He kept sending you help along the way so that you'll keep to the right path of keeping your faith and trusting Him.

My two cents worth...